Friday 22 May 2015

How to Praise God

Choose to have the joy of the Lord and learn to praise God better. Realize that your joy, your confidence, and your hope come from the Lord! Here are topical examples of possible, actual praises.

Begin by thinking of praying such as:

"How much You, Oh God, have done for me from day to day up until this very moment. Lord, You have all power to influence my life." -- and how about sublimating negative emotions you feel, i.e.:

"I feel You working through me; I will let my praise take form as worthwhile, peaceful actions and 'turn my anger (or rage) to higher purposes'." (Rage may seem counter-Christian, yet there is a reason for harsh emotion that you need to work on and settle proactively.)
  • Guide your anger: "I praise you during my rage against" [an evil] "for a constructive, loving purpose and expression. I will not let it become vengeful or hateful". 
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·         Think of Jesus' life:

"I exalt You for taking the form of a man to die on the cross in atonement for my sins and for rising again that I might share in Your life".

Let awareness soak in and enable you:

"I praise You for day to day life, and realizing that You gave Yourself brings gratitude for Your love that permeates my life." Try saying:

"I will not be afraid to admit my limited understandings of facts and truth". Consider:

"I praise you that my learning (and research) is an individual journey that I do not undertake all on my own in the Bible, but with fellow believers and the Holy Spirit to give greater order to my thoughts".

Start naming qualities or attributes for God, eg.:

"You are mighty!", "You are Omnipotent, my Father, my Lord!", "You are all and in all."

Thank Him: "I thank you for all things (huge and tiny) in my life; You have provided all things for my good.", try saying some praises audibly.
  • "I thank and glorify You, Oh Father, God, for the gift and beauty of Creation and for creating and conforming my life to your will".
Utilize creation for your praising God, e.g.:

"The sky and the sea, praise the Lord"; "Let all that is within me bless the Lord."
Let Him take over as you express your deep love for God and "I praise You, Lord, for inhabiting the praise of Your people" [those who love Him]! Psalms 22:3 

Do things for others as praise as Jesus said "What you do to the least of these little ones you do to me." And, Isiah said: "Isn't this the praise that He has chosen [for Himself]: praise the Lord by visiting and sharing your goods and the Good News of the Gospel with the poor--especially widows and orphans."

Praying within His will and praising him work together for the ultimate success in your prayer life.
Make a prayer journal because you will be blessed when you see the progress of your prayers and praises in all areas of life.
Praise Him through the storms in your life: "I praise you, Father God, that you are and will always be there for me, to help and give me peace and comfort. Your plan for us is bigger than I can realize or even imagine. Praising You and the shelter of your arm gives me confidence."
Put on some Christian music and worship God wherever you are. Whether it is in your bedroom or your car, or on a walk, God will bless you for glorifying his name.
Artists and bands such as Third Day, Casting Crowns, Sidewalk Prophets, and For King and Country have some great worship music that you may find on YouTube.


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